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Food Costing Calculators

Try out our food costing calculators to help find the exact food costs for your kitchen

example formula

Utilize the Purchase Weight calculator when you're uncertain about the exact weight to purchase, considering only a portion of that weight is usable.

For example if a recipe calls for 200g of salmon it's possible that only 60% of the whole salmon will be useable. This means you need to purchase at least 333g of salmon to meet the needs of your recipe.   


   Purchase Weight      

   Purchase Weight = 

         0.2kg ÷ 60% = 0.333 kg  


This can be used to calculate the Wastage Percent for a certain item. It can useful if you are working with an ingredient for the first time and you have the purchase weight and the weight of the unusable waste portion. 

For example, lets say we bought a whole watermelon which weighed 10kg. After cutting the rind off and weighing it, we discover the rind weighed 3kg. This results in a wastage percent of 30%


   Waste as %    

   Wastage Percent =

         3kg ÷ 10kg x 100% = 30.00% 


This can be used to calculate the Usable Weight if you already know the useable percentage and purchase weight. This can be useful if you've already bought all of your ingredients for a recipe and you'd like to work out the weight you can expect to get out of your ingredient after waste.

For example, if you bought a whole salmon weighing 200g and after throwing away the guts and bones only 60% of that will be useable. This will result in a useable weight of 120g


   Usable Weight, given the %

   Useable Weight =

         0.2kg60% = 0.120 kg 


This can be used to calculate the Yield as Percent when you know your weight after wastage and purchase weight. 

For example, you bought a whole watermelon weighing 10kg, and after throwing all the rind in the bin, you are left with 7kg of fruit. This will result in a yield of 70%. 


   Yield as %

   Yield as Percent =

         7kg ÷ 10kg x 100% = 70.00% 


This can be used to simply calculate the Cost Per Kilogram or Cost Per Litre of an item.

For example, you have an agreed price of 40 cents per kg for potatoes and you purchased 5kg of potatoes. Now you notice on your paper docket that you were charged $2.14 for this. This sounds wrong! After typing it in the calculator you see that they charged you 43 cents per kilo!         


   Cost per Kilogram or Litre 

   Cost Per Kilogram or Litre =

         $2.14 ÷ 5kg = $0.43    


Tip: This page is mobile and tablet friendly so you can calculate on the fly!