User Authorities

The list of user authorities and their descriptions for refined account control

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Cooking the Books Drinking the Profits Invoice Ripper
works with


This page contains the titles, descriptions, and default state of all available User Authorities. Use the table of contents above to skip to a particular heading to review relevant permissions. Indented Authority Titles are sub-settings which extend the functionality of the parent permission.  

For further details, please review our Modifying User Authorities guide for steps on updating permissions for your users. To conveniently apply consistent authorities across multiple users, check out User Profiles to set standard permissions across your user base.


Authority Title Description Default
Admin Allows access to the Admin page  ON
Stock Allows access to the Stock page ON
Recipe Book Allows access to the Recipe Book page ON
Budget Allows the user to edit the Budget OFF
Financial Allows access to the Financial page ON
Integration Allows access to the Integration page ON
Yield Testing Allows access to the Yield Testing page OFF
Menu Engineering Allows access to the Menu Builder page ON
Licence Allows access to the Licence page ON
Database Jumper Allows for movement between Outlets OFF


Authority Title Description Default
Access Settings Allows access to the Settings section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the Settings section  OFF
Access Address Book Allows access to the Address Book section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes to the Address Book OFF
Access Business Department Allows access to the Business Department section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes to Business Departments OFF
Access Stock Category Allows access to the Stock Category section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes to Stock Categories OFF
Access Unit of Measurement Allows access to the Unit of Measurement section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes to Units of Measurement OFF
Access Report Allows access to the Report section ON
Access Invoice History Allows access to review the Invoice History section OFF
Access Request History Allows access to review the Request History section OFF
Access Photo Manager Allows access to review the Photo Manager section OFF


Authority Title Description Default
Access Requisition Allows access to the Requisition section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the Requisition section  OFF
Access Invoice Allows access to the Invoice section ON
Read Only  Prevents the user from making changes in the Invoice section OFF
NetSuite Approval Permission Allows the user to approve and transfer invoices to NetSuite OFF
Cannot amend exported invoices Prevents the user from making changes to exported invoices OFF
Cannot delete approved invoices Prevents the user from deleting invoices OFF
Basware Approval Permission Allows the user to approve and transfer invoices to Basware OFF
TechOne Approval Permission Allows the user to approve and transfer invoices to TechOne OFF
Access Stock Maintenance Allows access to the Stock Maintenance section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the Stock Maintenance section OFF
Require Approval Requires a user with higher authority to approve any stock changes made by the user OFF
Allow Self Allocation Allows the user to allocate existing stock to their current Outlet ON
Cannot change Locked-In Prices Prevents the user from making price changes to any items that have a locked-in price OFF
Cannot process new stock items Prevents the user from processing new stock items on received invoices OFF
Can edit locked Suppliers Allows the user to make changes to locked Suppliers OFF
Can push stock details to Corporate Allows the user to update Corporate stock details using values from a specific Outlet OFF
Access Stocktake Allows access to the Stocktake section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the Stocktake section OFF
Cannot delete Stocktakes Prevents the user from deleting Stocktakes OFF
Able to Edit Locked Stocktakes Allow the editing of a locked Stocktake OFF
Access Purchase Order & Receiving Order Allows access to the Purchase Order and Receiving Order sections ON
Read Only under Purchase Order Prevents the user from making changes in the Purchase Order section OFF
Read Only under Receiving Order Prevents the user from processing documents in the Receiving Order section OFF
Cannot approve Invoices or send Purchase Orders Requires a user with higher authority to approve invoices or send purchase orders processed by the user OFF
Can still send Purchase Orders Enables the user to send purchase orders OFF
Can still approve Invoices Enables the user to approve invoices OFF
Cannot delete Purchase Orders Prevents the user from deleting orders in the Purchase Order section OFF
Cannot delete Receiving Order documents Prevents the user from deleting documents in the Receiving Order section OFF
Cannot use No Match Order Prevents the user from relying on No Match Order to process invoices OFF
Cannot use No Match Invoice Prevents the user from relying on No Match Invoice to process purchase orders OFF
Cannot merge Purchase Orders Prevents the user from merging purchase orders OFF
Access Report Allows access to the Report section ON
Receive New Stock notification Notifies the user by email when an invoice is received which contains new stock items OFF
Access Price Update Allows access to the Price Update section OFF
Access Tendering Allows access to the Tendering section OFF
Access Statement Allows access to the Statement section OFF


Authority Title Description Default
Access Financial Allows access to the Financial page ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the Revenue and Sales sections OFF
Access Report Allows access to the Report section ON
Receive Wastage Record notification Notifies the user by email when a wastage incident is recorded OFF
Receive Sales Data notification Notifies the user by email when sales data from the integrated POS is uploaded OFF
Access Wastage Allows access to the Wastage section ON

Recipe Book

Authority Title Description Default
Access Recipes & Equipment Allows access to the Recipes and Equipment sections ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes to Recipes OFF
Require Approval Changes to Recipes requires approval from a user with higher authority OFF
Can edit ingredient wastage Allows the user to apply specific wastage percentages for ingredients per recipe OFF
Access Report Allows access to the Label and Report sections ON
Access Personal Recipes Allows access to the Personal Recipes section OFF
Clear Personal Recipes on login Deletes all items from the user's Personal Recipes at the end of each session OFF
Read Only Media Manager Prevents the user from making changes to the Media Manager OFF
Can update Recipe Sections Allows the user to make changes to Recipe Sections OFF


Authority Title Description Default
Access Database Allows access to the Database section OFF
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the Database section OFF
Access User Allows access to the User section OFF
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the User section OFF

Menu Engineering

Authority Title Description Default
Access Menu Builder Allows access to the Menu Builder section in the Menu Engineering page ON
Read Only  Prevents the user from making any changes in the Menu Builder section OFF
Require Approval  Requires a user with higher authority to approve any changes made to menus by the user OFF
Access Special Calendar Allows access to the Special Calendar section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making any changes in the Special Calendar section OFF
Require Approval Requires a user with higher authority to approve any changes made to the calendar by the user OFF
Access Recipe Order Allows access to the Recipe Order section ON
Read Only Prevents the user from making changes in the Recipe Order section OFF

Yield Testing

Authority Title Description Default
Access Menu Analysis Allows access to the Menu Analysis section  OFF
Access Wastage Procedure Allows access to the Wastage Procedure section OFF
Access Report Allows access to the Report section OFF
Access Make or Buy Allows access to the Make or Buy section OFF