How to send a stock order to your Suppliers from the app
Last Updated: February 3, 2025
About Purchase Order
Once you have your desired Suppliers and their relative stock items organised, you will then be able to send Purchase Orders online to replenish your stock on hand.
Purchase Orders are sent via email to a designated contact with a PDF attachment which outlines the details or your order. For all Purchase Orders you create, you will also be copied in on the email request to the Supplier, allowing them to contact you directly regarding your order if necessary.
Download the app
To download, simply search for “Cooking the Books” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store or click the links below.
Creating a Purchase Order
First, ensure you are in the correct Outlet by clicking on the 3 lines in the top left hand corner:
Here you will see the current Outlet name shown beneath your username:
For information on moving Outlets, check out the Changing Outlets in the Cooking the Books Pro App help article.
Once you are in the desired outlet, select Purchase Orders from the navigation tab:
You will then see a list of sent and saved orders. Simply tap any of these to view the information. You can also search through these using the search window by Supplier Name or by Order Number:
To create a Purchase Order tap NEW in the top right corner:
On the New Purchase Order page choose the date you would like to receive your goods by tapping the Date in the right hand corner:
Depending on your device this will display differently, either as a calendar or as a scrolling menu. Select the required date and click OK or Confirm:
Next, select your Supplier from the Suppliers list in the top section of the screen, then tap NEXT in the top right corner.
This will take you to the Stock list page where you can select the stock you would like to order. The Stock list can be expanded by tapping the double arrow button next to the supplier's name:
Tap the stock you want to add to your Purchase Order and it will then appear in the top section of the Purchase Order.
Next enter in the quantities by tapping the + & - buttons, alternatively if you tap the number between the + & - it will open up a larger calculator style menu. Using this menu allows you to calculate quantities needed or you can simply enter the total needed.
Edit the quantity for the next stock item by clicking NEXT at the bottom of the screen, or head back to the previous screen by tapping FINISH:
With the quantities entered you can now save the order for later or send the order using the buttons in the top right corner:
After tapping SEND you will then be asked to select an email to send the order to. Either choose a saved contact or enter a new email in the top window.
Tip: You can save supplier email and contact details for future use on the website by following the steps in the Creating a Supplier help article.
Notes for additional stock information can also be entered on this page in the Message section:
When ready, hit the SEND button and your order will be sent to the supplier:
A pop up notification will appear confirming the order has been sent and you will be returned to the Purchase Orders window where you can review your orders or place another:
Still have questions? Should you require further assistance, please Contact Us or start a live chat today!