Moving Between Outlets in a Corporate Database

How to change your current Outlet

About Outlets

An Outlet is a specific location or business unit you can perform activities under. Outlets are considered either a Corporate-level, Mid-level or a Lower-level Outlet; and specific duties should be performed under certain levels accordingly.

As a general rule, all your day-to-day activities should take place in Lower-level Outlets. Any administrative duties should be kept to Mid- or Corporate-level Outlets.

Depending on your organisational structure, you may benefit from additional Outlets to separate your workflows, revenue streams, purchases and more. Each Outlet has its own independent stock lists, budgets, and so forth to allow operational activities to be managed at a micro level, but also viewed and supervised at a macro level by administrators.

How to move between Outlets

Changing your current Outlet is simple; begin by clicking the Outlet button found at the top-middle of the page:

OutletButtonAn Outlet Map will then be displayed, showing you each of the Outlets available to your account, simply click an Outlet to move:

OutletMapYou can also move to a Mid-level Outlet by clicking the Outlet and selecting Jump:

OutletMapJumpOnce you've made your selection, you will be ready to work in your Outlet of choice!

Why can't I move Outlets?

Moving between Outlets involves three prerequisites:

  1. Your database must have multiple Outlets set up by our Support Team,
  2. Your account must have the Database Jumper authority enabled, and;
  3. You must be allocated to a Mid-or Corporate-level Outlet.

Like to discuss whether adding additional Outlets is suitable for your business? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If you're already in a database with multiple Outlets, you might not have Database Jumper enabled. Be sure to discuss this with an administrator for your account, or otherwise contact us at the link above for assistance.