Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains)

Last Updated: June 23, 2024


Setup Site Codes 

In an Outlet, navigate to the Admin heading and select Settings:


Open the Company Information tab and enter your Site Code in the field provided:



Repeat this process for all remaining Outlets.


Setup Supplier Creditor Codes

In the Outlets, navigate to the Admin heading and select Address Book:  


Select a Supplier and enter the desired Supplier Creditor Code under the Supplier Detail tab:


Repeat this process for each Supplier.


Setup GL Codes

When exporting, these codes have been configured to automatically populate the G/L Account No. value with the appropriate value. If the above values are not present under the GL Code in your CTB AND CO. account, no G/L Account No. value will be returned.

A Default GL Code may be set for each Supplier from your Address Book. Simply navigate to the Supplier Settings tab and enter the desired code in the field provided:


You may also specify a GL Code individually for your stock items. From Stock Maintenance, enter the desired GL Code in the GL Account column:


When exporting, the GL Code assigned to an item will be prioritised, and the default GL Code for the Supplier will be used as a fallback.

Exporting to CSV

Navigate to your Corporate Outlet and proceed to the Integration page. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP icon: 


Select the desired invoices using the checkboxes provided, then click Export to CSV:


Click Yes at the prompt to mark each invoice as exported:


Download your export and review the downloaded export in Excel. Then import this file into Microsoft Dynamics GP: