Setting up the automatic locking of Stocktakes after a specified period
Enabling Stocktake Locking
To prevent the editing of Stocktakes after they've been entered, an administrator may opt to automatically lock a Stocktake after a certain number of days has passed since its creation.
From the Admin heading, navigate to the Settings page:
From the Main Settings tab, locate the Lock Stocktakes After setting and tick the checkbox, then enter a value in the field provided and Save:
Any Stocktakes older than the specified number of days will be automatically locked and users will not be able to make any further adjustments to its values:
Editing Locked Stocktakes Authority
Users with elevated permissions may still edit a locked Stocktake through a dedicated user authority.
From the User Authorities window, locate and enable the Able to Edit locked Stocktakes authority to allow the editing of a locked Stocktake by the user: