Food / Beverage Cost % Limits are now used on the Dashboard Statistics!

Published: February 26, 2025

Your Food / Beverage Cost % Limit from Costing Settings is now used on your Dashboard  Food Cost Statistics tile:image-png-Feb-20-2025-11-37-25-0008-PM

If your Food Cost % Limit is enabled, then your Dashboard will now use your Ideal and Acceptable Limits. If this setting is not enabled it will default to the standard Ideal Limit of 30% and Acceptable Limit of 50%:


The Costing Settings slider has also been redesigned to provide a clearer view of how the Ideal and Acceptable limits will be reflected in your Cost Statistics dashboard tile:


For more information on how to adjust your Food / Beverage Cost % Limit, follow the steps in the Specifying your Food / Beverage Cost Limit help guide.